Through looking at the use of newspaper, this week our group started to look at the way in which we might be able to camouflage on ourselves in the space we wanted to create. We were then led to an artist called, Emma Hack. Emma is known for ‘exploring the notion of camouflage’ ((Hack. E. (2013). Emma Hack – Diverse Multimedia Artist Skin Illustrator, Photographer, Sculptor. Available: Last accessed 5th May 2013.)), this is why she stood out to our group. She draws upon inspiration from the ‘iconic model, Veruschka’ ((Hack. E. (2013). Emma Hack – Diverse Multimedia Artist Skin Illustrator, Photographer, Sculptor. Available: Last accessed 5th May 2013.)), who also used body art to ‘blend’ into a walls. This was the kind of inspiration that our group looked, for the newspaper could be our means of camouflage.
We then progress our piece, to a new level. To combine loss, betting and the Grandstand itself, the newspaper was to become a container, helping us carry this idea forward. As a group we wanted to use the newspaper as a full body suit, head to toe. This was so we were able to be a part of the Grandstand itself. We had the idea of using several different newspapers to represent the Grandstand, the Racing Post and the Lincoln student newspaper. This was because it offered mixing the present in to the past of horseracing, at the Grandstand.
As we wanted to explore the theme of betting throughout our piece we decide to experience a betting shop, William Hill’s betting shop. This experience would helped us to get an insight to how betting works and what atmosphere it creates. On our arrival to the shop we entered and everyone in the shop was silent, the only sound as the television blurring out odds. The walls were covered in newspapers stating all the odds of the races and everyone was dressed in dark colors. This gave us inspiration to our piece as we saw that the atmosphere created was one we were working towards. We wanted to create a build in tension, the race and the winner.
We now had all of the elements to our piece but we still had to place it all together, all the evidence, scripts and props, had to come to gather to create our final piece. Over the next few weeks we will be working on placing all the elements together to create a piece that delivers an answer to our site, the Grandstand. We are looking at ‘reframing and re-imagining place’ ((Govan,E, Nicholson,H and Normington,K. (2007). Making a Performance. London: Routledge.p.140)), the site was our message, we just have to think of how we were going to deliver it to our audience.
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