In trying to find a places in which to leave my cards for our task this week, I decided to head into town. I went the back way from my house which leads me through the residential streets, past the houses that are all mainly inhabited by students. While my intention was to go all the way to town i got distracted by the surrounding area near where i live. The church in the picture is something ive seen before but never really looked at. Ive wondered why its abandoned? How long has it been like that? What will happen to it? I put the card on it because i felt that it said something more about the state of faith nowadays. If society can let a place of worship fall into decay, then whats happened to the people that used it as a place of solace, a place to rise to higher ground, have they fallen into decay too? Have they lost their sense of purpose as well as their place in faith?
Author: Eloise Fitt
New Angles?
During our drifting task in class on Wednesday Kash, Chloe and I were given the task to look for sharp angles. Whilst looking around we noticed that the train barriers coming down created an angle that I had never noticed before. It made me wonder, what else was I missing while walking around Lincoln everyday? It seems I spend half my life living in a town that I’m missing most of! Needless to say when I walked to uni the next day I paid a lot more attention to my surroundings!! Interestingly one place that Michael has picked out for us to look into using for our final performance is the grandstand that you pass when you come into Lincoln. The grandstand seems to be largely igonored and I’m not entirely sure what it is actually used for. I had seen it before he showed it too us but Ive never really paid much attention to it and I’m hoping that over the next few weeks we can look more into thi splace and discover a bit more about it.