The Night Drift

“Look for things that create light”
This question was asked of me by an anonymous class member to complete on a drift.
Considering it, I decided to carry out my drift at night, I thought that it would be interesting to see how many unusual lights that I could find.

As performers, we are often familiar with different ‘lighting’ on stage. This ‘artistic’ lighting is seen as skillful and creative, however, do we ever notice the accidental beauty of street lighting? Or the way a car light catches on a road sign and makes it shine like the moon? This was the challenge that I took upon myself, to find lighting that was accidentally beautiful and contrast it with that which is purposefully attractive. The city of Lincoln was completely changed by noticing these lights. Even parts of the city that might look ordinary or plain in the daytime were lit in such a way that they became intriguing and sublime.

Below I have added a slide show of pictures that I took to represent some of the fabulous scenes that I came across. On the drift I used a coin to determine which route I took which resulted in some rather solitary and unusual places. The slideshow starts at the end of my drift and rewinds to the beginning. I have depicted the drift in reverse to show the journey in a different perspective, I felt that the whole experience was abnormal and even slightly haunting at times and so I wanted to convey this through the slideshow by using music and transitions.