Unfortunately the challenge of making the war poster is not going to happen. I realised that I set myself too much of a task in a short period of time. However, without being negative about it, the women of war group and me have used the crockery in a different way. The Lincoln Grandstand Handicap races brought Lincoln and surrounding cities together as a community. In our group, we thought of things that related to a community and how we could portray this. With the idea of crockery, we wanted to make cups of tea and serve cakes and biscuits to our audience at the beginning of the performance as a welcoming to the site.
We did a trial and error of our idea and realised that it would not work in the area that we chose, so another way of showing community to the audience was in our individual performance in the factory. Our idea was that when the audience show to sit down and watch it, Sophie would make cups of tea whilst the action on the sewing machines were happening and when they were ready to serve she would pass them on to the audience for them to drink. However, the community of the Grandstand today is no more. To reflect this in our performance, we want to take the cups of tea away and pour them down the drain in front of them. This is to show that the community over the years has gone down the drain. We think that this a great idea and hopefully that the audience will go away thinking and questioning themselves about why we did through it away and whether they see the link between the Grandstand and the community.